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5 Reasons Why Your First Contact Business Emails Receive No Replies

How to not get replies to your first contact business emails.

I probably get more emails than most. To be honest, I have numerous websites, clients, and more business social profiles than I can handle, so I’m pretty busy.

As of late, I have found that I don’t have the time or inclination to respond to emails where the Sender feels their time is more valuable than mine. Just because I receive an email, am I then obligated to respond? Nope.

That’s a big shift for me because I often discuss the importance of responding to emails. Generally, it is a matter of courtesy.

However, I’ve noticed five little things that Senders do that make it clear they are more interested in getting their message through than actually making serious contact. The devil is in the details.

Many lack the skill to email “cold call” effectively. When not done properly, most may consider unsolicited, unasked-for, poorly written proposals or partnership requests spam.

Why No Response to Your First Contact Business Emails?

  1. You used the wrong website form. I talked about this in more detail here. I have different forms for different inquiries depending on which of my sites you are on. I note that on my main contact form page. Fill out that main contact form, or do not follow the instructions. I have a good idea you are more into getting an email than sincerely wanting to partner with me. No response.
  2. Your email does not address me personally. I’m not a corporation or a “Team,” nor am I a Sir or a Webmaster. Just a little effort will reveal that it is just me, Judith. Are you not willing to make that effort? No response.
  3. Your email offer or inquiry does not concern my site’s topic. I know it is tempting to get exposure to the business folks who frequent this site, but if you cannot convince me why exposure on my site would benefit my site visitors, specifically — no response. In addition, I note I don’t accept sponsored or guest posts. So stop asking.
  4. Your email has grammatical and spelling errors. We all make mistakes. I do too. But I still get emails with incomplete sentences in all small case. Some are so bad that I think folks are testing me to see what type of response they would get. With any business email you need to be professional and coherent. No response.
  5. Claiming you’ve reviewed my site when you haven’t. Proceeding to offer generic compliments that don’t really apply to my site screams template. Offering actual specifics goes a long way to getting my attention; otherwise, do not expect a response.

Assume those you are emailing are busy. They have to budget their time carefully by prioritizing their activities. Know they want to communicate with those who show respect for their time and can communicate professionally with clarity and specifics.

Just these five little things will determine what emails they will respond to — or not.

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