Are You an e-Tattler at Work?
Do you know when using the Cc (Courtesy Copy) option to email business associates is appropriate? Is there a difference between informing and tattling?
You bet there is.
Prioritize “Need to Know”
Minimizing the volume of emails you and others send can avoid email overload and lost productivity. You can help accomplish this by using Cc judiciously.
Only Cc others when they must be informed, not just because you want them to know, but because they must know. There are two different standards there.
Your motives in Cc’ing coworkers and business associates can help you determine if a person should be added to the Cc field.
If it is #1, refrain from using Cc.
Instead, talk to the person whose behavior you are not happy about. Have a good old-fashioned in-person discussion. If that doesn’t work, make an appointment to meet with your supervisor about the situation.
What you do not do is blend personal gripes or ulterior motives via Cc (or worse, BCc). Only Cc those associates involved in the conversation must be aware of the issues discussed because the information could directly impact them.
Professionals Do Not e-Tattle
What some make the mistake of doing is Cc’ing a supervisor the moment they don’t like what a coworker in the office is doing — or not doing. That is e-tattling.
Consider what that approach may say about you if you jump to Cc, the next in command, whenever you disagree with a comment or do not get a response as fast as you like from a coworker. You make it clear that you cannot work in a team environment.
When used to tattle or CYA, Cc’ing rarely accomplishes anything other than creating unnecessary emails and, in most cases, only serves to reflect upon you negatively.
Click these links for more on using Cc and BCc.