Home » Business Email Etiquette Articles » Eco-Sigs: Signature Files Going Green?

Eco-Sigs: Signature Files Going Green?

Are eco-signature files proper -- or even effective?

Have you received an email with a pro-environment statement in the email’s signature file? One of my site visitors emailed about this trend, stating:

I’m getting more and more emails where at the bottom I’m shamed into not printing the email to save trees. I don’t appreciate preachy greenies telling me what to do. What’s the best way to respond?
BEE Site Visitor

No response is necessary. Just ignore it.

He went on to ask if it is proper to add such comments or if it is possibly bad email etiquette to include “greenie sigs” in business emails. Finally, he inquired how I felt about company-wide signature file statements “going green.”

Company Branding & Cultures

You have to live under a rock to not know about “green” nowadays, right? Brands signal their position on this and other topics. Of course, that’s their choice.

Signature files do not impact what I do or don’t do. So, for example, on rare occasions when I need to print an email, that signature file will not prevent me from doing so.

As with anything that has to do with business email, what you add to your signature file is a statement that may or may not resonate with readers. And reflect on your brand.

Business Emails = Branding

The same can be said about adding political or religious statements or commentary. But, again, you risk that those you email may disagree with you.

As everyone jumps on these bandwagons, many purely for appearances, be careful before you join in. While you may think you appear “with it” and responsible, your customers, like the gentleman who emailed me and contacts, may not appreciate being lectured.

Are you confident that most of those you email will agree with your position or comments directed at them on how they need to think? Miscalculate that, and your business could suffer.

Eco-sig examples:

  • “Please consider the environment before printing this email.”
  • “Please think & act ‘sustainable’ — print only if required.”
  • “How many trees must be lost so you can print your email? Print responsibly.”

That last one is a bit condescending, isn’t it?

Is lecturing contacts and customers wise?

The above statements make the sender feel warm and fuzzy, as though they are making a difference in the world by simply adding a sentence to their signature file. Unless you are an energy company or in some way related to serious green efforts, know the only difference you may make may not be a positive one.

Another take to consider, as one reader emailed,

… to assume that I do not observe eco-friendly practices in my office is just ignorant. Who isn’t at least partially green nowadays?

BEE Site Visitor

Since every inquirer asked how I feel, I don’t give those sigs much thought. I view them for what they are — virtue signaling.

But to dig deeper, I don’t appreciate being lectured to as though I need to be told how to do things correctly by someone who doesn’t know what I do or don’t do on any given topic. If I need to print, I will.

For me, it is more about them than me. This applies to any issue that has nothing to do with the business at hand and is evangelized in a business email signature file.

To Print or Not To Print

I don’t print emails. But if I need to, that statement doesn’t stop me.

What do you think about eco-sigs in business emails? Have you been on the receiving end of an eco-sig? Let me know on Facebook or Twitter.

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