Do You Understand GDPR and Your Email Data Collection?

It has become common to land on a website, and a banner or pop-up box appears. These are in place to inform you about the website’s cookies and data collection practices. Cookies are small files in your browser that have no personally identifiable information about site visitors.
Cookies and scripts from Google Analytics tracks where you go and what you click on. Data is also collected regarding how long you stay in various site areas. Your browser also relays which browser and version you are on and your platform (Mobile, PC, or Mac).
This information helps site creators make sure their website caters to visitor interest. In addition, the type of devices that access a website is logged being various devices displays things differently.
Also, if you fill out forms or place an order, how is that data handled? Where is it stored, and for how long?
This is why you need to have a privacy policy on your website so site visitors know your policies and can read them at their convenience. It also would be a good idea for you to get in the habit of reviewing the privacy policies of the websites you frequent
Privacy is the Topic of the Day
On May 25, 2018, the EU’s Global Data Protection Regulations went into effect. This required visible disclosure of how data is stored, handled and included the ability for folks to ask what information you had and to delete it if they so requested.
Suppose you are a website owner and do not do business in the EU. In that case, you still should become familiar with the regulation and consult with a legal-beagle familiar with the topic for their recommendations.
Being Privacy is such a huge concern, I am advising my clients to spiff up their Privacy Policies or create a Privacy Policy if they don’t have one and have a cookie statement (like the one on this site).
As a business owner, you want to be transparent about your data collection policies and procedures. Regardless of GDPR, that’s just good business! This includes your email newsletters and communications.
Now that almost every website — or so it seems — are displaying and updating their policies, it’s just wise for you to do the same. You don’t want customers wondering why everyone but you is upfront about this topic while you remain silent, do you?
GDPR Resources
Here are a few of the resources I’ve reviewed in preparing to assist my clients on the GCPR:
If you are in the United States and do not do business in the EU, look at the GDPR as an opportunity for you to be upfront and transparent about your policies. It is nothing but positive for your brand to clearly state that you take great care and concern with your customer’s data.