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Why the Business Email Etiquette Resistance?

Business Email Etiquette Resistance

Why Resist What Can Help You Succeed?

A portion of business onliners still resist the concept of Email Etiquette. I receive emails reflecting this through my various sites. After decades of writing about the topic, I shake my head at how some email me their requests.

I also receive emails from frustrated coworkers and even bosses. How can they get others they communicate with on the Email Etiquette bandwagon?

This is easily solved for bosses and coworkers with an Email Policy. Establishing a policy sets standards, guidelines, and expectations for using company email.

Rules and Regulations

Recently I received an email that insinuated that I am sitting here coming up with “rules and regulations” out of thin air. Why make things more difficult when “technology is already difficult enough?”

Well, technology is what it is. It isn’t going to change to accommodate what you are willing to do or not. So you had better embrace the information you need if you want to thrive on and online by virtue of your email communications.

I prefer to think of Email Etiquette as skill building, not “rules and regulations.” In business, skill building is what clearly separates the pros from the wannabes.

In particular, the perception of your business and brand via your email activities is invaluable when it comes to how you use business email. You would think that every business onliner would scramble to acquire these skills and make them a habit. But, sadly, that is not the case.

Email is NOT All About You

We live in a culture that is so busy thinking “all about me” that we don’t stop to think of courtesies or considerations for others. Yet, doing business online successfully requires a whole bunch of knowledge and skills.

Pick and choose those skills at your peril. To do so will minimize your potential.

What is the definition of etiquette?

et-i-quette noun

  1. conventional requirements for social behavior; proprieties of conduct as established in any class or community or for any occasion.
  2. a prescribed or accepted code of usage in matters of ceremony, as at a court or in official or other formal observances.
  3. the code of ethical behavior regarding professional practice or action among the members of a profession in their dealings with each other.

Call it online etiquette, netiquette (Network Etiquette), email etiquette — or rules and regulations. To succeed when using technology requires you to understand the technology in which you are participating.

That means you apply the necessary skills and knowledge to use technology appropriately to succeed. This is what is called competitive advantage.

Those who think Email Etiquette can be disregarded, ignored, or trivialized are doing themselves a disservice. You can bet that their competitors are thankful for their lack of understanding and efforts regarding their email communications.

Brush Up and Stand Out!

For those still on the fence or if you want to refresh your knowledge, here are a couple of resources to get you back on track!

To your success!

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