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Personal Email on Company Time?

It Should Go Without Saying…

But yep, I have to say it. When it comes to email activities while on the job, you should not dilly-dally on social media or websites using company equipment and connectivity. Nor should you send or forward non-business-related emails or texts to friends or co-workers.

When on Company Time

Employees should also understand (hopefully because it has been advised in a written email policy) that there should be no assumption of privacy when it comes to online activities on company time. There is no wiggle room there.

You are on company time, using company resources and equipment. That makes those communications the company’s proprietary property. And if you are a true professional, you understand and respect this.

It is good business for any business owner to keep tabs on what their employees are up to on and off-line while on company time, for productivity, liability, and legal reasons. What employees do on company time can impact a business in too many ways to ignore.

Some Stats

  • 80% of major companies now monitor employees’ email, Internet, or phone use.
  • 63% now watch Internet usage.
  • 65% of employers are using software to block access to specific websites.
  • 55% retain and review email messages.
  • 50% store and review computer files.
  • 26% have fired workers for misuse of the Internet.

How do you use your employer’s online and technology resources?

In this regard, your activities and behavior can go a long way toward impressing and demonstrating that you are a valuable employee. Of course, a few emails or forwards here or there are no big deal. But why take the chance that one of those activities becomes exposed, negatively impacting your future and career?

When at work, work. Use company resources with respect and discretion. For other activities, use your personal smartphone while on break or lunch for non-work-related activities.

Are you not sure if you have all the bases covered? Start with my Business Email Basics, then check out NSFW = Not Safe For Work. What’s with that!?

You’re welcome!

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