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How To Suggest Business Email Etiquette?

How to recommend business email etiquette to others?

If you run a business, you run into those who are not all that into email skills. And with that, you’ll admit that those who do not communicate professionally via email can impact your choice if you do business with them.

Would you spend your hard-earned dollars with someone who communicates informally, using typos and incomplete sentences? Probably not.

If it is your business, you can address this situation directly by offering training and having an email policy in place.

But what do you do if there are those you have to work with whose lack of email etiquette skills may cause you more work? Things like not being clear or succinct enough require unnecessary back-n-forths. Consequently, this makes you less efficient.

Then, there is the opportunity for misunderstandings due to a lack of clarity in intent and tone. I’ve lost count of the times I responded to an inquiry and then found out “what I meant was…” after the sender provided additional information.

Do Your Colleagues a Favor

How do you politely inform colleagues or associates who do not practice proper Business Email Etiquette that they need to improve? Delicately.

Unfortunately, in my experience, many folks do not take kindly to the topic of their lack of email etiquette skills being brought up. No matter how gentle or friendly you are when making the suggestion.

One way to make a recommendation is to use this website as a resource. That’s why I started this site so many years ago.

Use the share icons on this site to avoid misunderstandings or hurt feelings. They’re at the bottom of every page under “Share the Knowledge!”

You can send a little email with a message or something to that effect…

I found this great site about Business Email Etiquette and I learned a few things I wasn’t aware of. Thought you would find this info helpful too!


I didn’t know this was a thing — did you? Now we both know!

By including a little humility and mentioning that you learned something too, the lack of knowledge or understanding isn’t just about them.

If you are dealing with a coworker or associate, mention that email skills can quickly impact whether they are perceived as professionals. You can start by pointing them to my “Business Email Etiquette Basics” so they can read and learn.

Business Owner’s Responsibility

If you own a business and have folks emailing on behalf of your business, it is not your employee’s responsibility to inform other employees about proper email use. That’s your sole responsibility.

Many business owners are not email ninjas and only use email because “they have to.” It’s time to embrace the fact that email isn’t going away. And the more skilled you become with using it, the better for your business image.

You should have an email policy so everyone is on the same page. This is to ensure that your business appears tech-savvy and professional and for liability reasons.

Very few businesses, careers, or professions do not require email skills. You can mentor your colleagues and employees by informing them of the importance of improving their email skills.

Skills that will lend to their continued success.

Share the knowledge!

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