When online, are you a Lemming or Leader?

My business coaching conversations with online entrepreneurs, can include the nuances of Business Email Etiquette in their day-to-day communications. We also talk a lot about using technology correctly and how what you do or don’t do may impact your business.
Most are already working to use email properly and are very receptive. The comment “I never thought of it that way…” is often made, usually about how their efforts will be perceived or newfound details on how technology works.
This comment reveals that many haven’t had the opportunity to be trained or exposed to business email best practices, let alone the nuances of perception, trust, and credibility, and how a lack of tech savvy can negatively affect their business success.
If everyone else jumped off a bridge…
Here’s another comment that pops up.
But everyone else does it so can you explain why is that not okay?
Business Owner
I disagree with everybody’s statement, even though I often hear that. Maybe 30% have no email etiquette vs. 70% who do a great job. Am I giving too much credit?
But where we do get close to “everybody” is not thinking about what is shared on social media and how what they share will impact their business. Everything is connected. Be a jerk on your personal social media accounts, and it’s easy to connect you with your business.
When running a successful online business, your business emails carry more weight on your legitimacy and credibility than you know. Never underestimate how your use of email and technology will contribute to others’ determination of whether to do business with you.
When I hear this excuse or any other to defend or try to explain why we aren’t applying email and technology best practices, I follow up with, “Are you a lemming or a leader?”
Leaders Lead
Successful business owners lead—they don’t follow. They do what they need to do to succeed, even if that means trial and error, embracing and learning new concepts. They do not excuse what the majority is doing to avoid proper actions or behavior. They lead by example.
They also understand, almost innately, that professional communications matter. That using the right words in the right way is part of marketing. Anything you do reflects on your business, even if subtly.
But the “younger set”…
“My son, who is in college, doesn’t do all these things…” Are we really using what the younger set is willing to do — or not — as our guide? When do business owners follow those less experienced in running successful businesses?
The answer is the smart ones don’t.
As with business, life should be all about deciding what you feel is essential to you. Not what everyone else is doing to determine what efforts you should make or not. Indeed, if you desire a successful online business, just as with any off-line business, you can’t settle for doing what you can get away with.
If you know it’s not proper or beneficial to your brand, business, or image, do what you know is right. That’s what’s right for you. Think for yourself and use the information available to lead, not blindly follow.
No Lemmings Allowed
Regarding business and technology, one cannot be a lemming. That is if you want to succeed. Quite the opposite. Thinking that all you need to do is make the minimal effort that so many others are only willing to make is not a solid business plan.
Not if you want to rock it!
Forget about what everyone else is doing or not doing as your guide. Yes, it is wise to watch what others are doing in business. That’s how you learn and improve. But your email communications need to be at a whole other level.
If you communicate clearly and professionally, you not only look smart, but you are smart and can build that trust factor. If you were to ask people, they would confirm that they prefer to do business with competent professionals.
Commit to learning how technology works and why it works the way it does, and then use it properly so you own your actions. You’ll then be that person or company with whom others want to spend their hard-earned dollars.
So… are you a lemming or a leader?