Perceptions and Your Business Email Style

Do not kid yourself…
We do it offline when we meet someone new or see someone walking down the street. Perceptions are made and are a natural reaction to what we see, feel, and hear.
How you communicate online has the very same impact.
Impressions are Subliminal
For example, when meeting someone new or viewing passers-by:
All of the above are things that run through our minds, even if subliminally, when we form an initial impression about another person in the offline world.
Email is No Different
Regarding your email, most of the above are unavailable to help you determine what kind of person is on the other side. So instead, we look at the following:
These are some of the issues that new contacts may be looking at. We perceive things based on available info every minute of every day. You can say that you don’t — but you do.
How you email your business contacts will reflect what you feel is essential and your level of professionalism to the other side. Your actions, or lack thereof, regarding your business email communications, can also reflect on your business image, branding, and reputation.
Is your communication style one that will win a contract compared to your perceived competitors? Are you someone that can be trusted and relied upon? Your email shows what can be expected when doing business with you.
Tone, Language, Formatting, Context
Business email can be perceived in various ways, depending on the tone, language, formatting, and context. Here are some possible perceptions that can be conveyed through business email:
It’s important to remember that perception can be subjective and influenced by the recipient’s personal preferences and cultural norms. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to consider your audience and the context when crafting business emails to ensure your message is received as intended.
Why risk a negative impact when it can be so easily avoided?