Tips for Seeking Employment by Email

What is the proper way to email a cover letter and resume to a prospective employer? That is a great question, and I get asked it quite often. Let’s go over all the variables that you need to consider.
You cannot underestimate the power of perception when seeking employment. On or off-line. Online, those you email do not have eye contact, a firm handshake, or your body language to determine your expertise and professionalism. Therefore, we must ensure our presentation is spot on to compensate for that.
How to Impress
Employers rely on how you communicate, the quality of your documents, and how you approach them to determine if you are someone they want to communicate with and represent their business.
The issues covered in my Business Email Etiquette Basics Article will contribute to a positive perception. Beyond that, how you approach prospective employers online can go a long way to getting that all-important follow-up.
If you are going to use technology to job hunt, you have to make sure you reflect the skill set to do so impressively. Or you could end up being excluded right out of the gate.
The Intro Email
Your email will set the table for your first impression. Start by including a brief and professional note detailing your attached documents and why you are making contact.
If you spoke with or had previous contact with the prospective employer:
Dear (Miss/Mr./Mrs….):
Per our conversation, please find attached my resume for the [job post info] opportunity we discussed.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. Thank you for your time and consideration.
FirstName LastName
Phone: 555-555-1212
Short and simple. Let your cover letter and resume do the talking.
Cold-call Application
If you are cold-call applying based on a posted opportunity:
Dear (Miss/Mr./Mrs….): (Don’t know the contact name — find out!)
In response to your posting for [job post info] on [note where you saw the posting], I am attaching my resume for your review.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. Thank you for your time and consideration.
FirstName LastName
Phone: 555-555-1212
Formality matters. Hence, the proper greeting. The level of formality that should be used for inquiries seeking employment is no different by email than by snail mail. Never underestimate how being lax or informal can have a negative impact.
File Names and Format
If a specific format is not noted, send your cover letter and resume in one PDF file. PDF is the only format that will ensure your layout is viewed as intended on any operating system.
For example, if you send it in Word format and the employer has WordPerfect (or vice-versa), the software will try to convert it to the native format. The layout of your documents can end up not being as impressive as you planned. You’ve lost control of your presentation.
If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat software to create a PDF file
there are several free applications and services online that will
convert your documents for you.
You want to name your file so that the file name is descriptive of what is contained within:
You could even add the position you are applying for, too:
This helps ensure that once they have your resume on their computer, they know who and what job it is for at a glance. You also help them be organized, and that’s a bonus point for you.
Common Mistakes
I get unsolicited resumes occasionally, and I’ve never posted an opportunity or position. In these unasked-for emails, I see the same mistakes made pretty regularly.
Make sure you consider the following when seeking employment opportunities:
Opportunities are out there…
But you have to be selective. You want to do what you can to make the best impression among the other applicants for the same position.
Emailing your resume willy-nilly certainly isn’t a professional or practical approach. By taking your time, using common sense, and doing your due diligence, you’ll rise above other applicants who disregard the importance of paying attention to detail.
Taking the time to make a good impression is precisely how you set yourself apart from the pile of other applications. Time well spent!